Altar Guild
The Altar Guild at Emmanuel prepares all things necessary for the conduct and celebration of public worship. This includes Sunday morning, the regular mid-week Wednesday Eucharist, funerals, weddings, special services such as Evensong and Lessons & Carols, Christmas Eve and Day services, and the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter.
The preparations are done reverently and prayerfully so that all services may proceed in order and beauty to the glory of God in Jesus Christ. Altar Guild members work alone or in pairs to set up, wash, and put away the Eucharistic silver; they change the linens and colors on the altar and elsewhere in the church to reflect the seasons of the Church year. Naturally this requires some training, and so we ask interested people to learn from experienced members, work with them as they take their turns and attend occasional meetings of the Altar Guild to refresh their knowledge. New members take on their duties as partners with experienced members until they feel comfortable working on their own or in partnership with a friend. It is rewarding work for many reasons: meeting new people, gaining a deeper understanding of why we do things the way we do at the altar, and joining a long tradition of service.
We welcome new members. For more information or to join us, please contact Norma Sheap or Annette Paxton.