Canterbury is the Episcopal Campus Ministry in Harrisonburg, Virginia, serving the campuses of James Madison University, Eastern Mennonite University and Bridgewater College. They strive to know Christ and make Him known in the college community, and they practice what Christ preached by loving our neighbors as ourselves, welcoming all in God's name.
Emmanuel has a long history of providing meals on Sunday evenings for the Canterbury Campus Ministry. We average 20 young adults who worship and eat dinner on Sunday evenings at the beautiful new Canterbury House at 662 S. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801.
Dinner is generally served at 6 p.m. Jesus knew that eating together forms close community. College kids are happy to eat most anything you cook for them. Food cooked with love makes their day! There is a sign up sheet in the Parish Hall with available dates and notates any dietary restrictions needs, such as students that are vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, or have food allergies.
For more information, please contact the Rev. Laura Lockey at (540) 246-3032.