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Centering Prayer

At the church, in the chapel, every Thursday morning starting at 8am.


In Centering Prayer we sit in silence with a sacred word, a piece of scripture, or a thought suggested by a Christian writer.
The 20 minutes of silence might sound boring, but it could be the most important part of your day.


Men's breakfast and fellowship

At the church every Wednesday morning at 7am for approximately one hour.


We meet for fellowship and to share a meal. Readings for the upcoming Sunday are read and discussed as the spirit moves us.


For more information or to join us, please contact David Lark.


We are followers of Jesus, transformed and empowered by God's grace and spirit to proclaim and live: God loves everyone - no exceptions!


(540) 434-2357



660 South Main Street

Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801


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© 2020-2022 Emmanuel Episcopal Church. All Rights Reserved.
Last update February 2022.

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