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Welcome to Emmanuel!

An inclusive church in the heart of Harrisonburg, Virginia

As Episcopalians, we believe that God loves everyone - no exceptions! We seek and serve Christ in all persons, strive for justice and peace, and respect the dignity of every human being.


We are an open and inclusive church community that welcomes people of every age, class, race, gender, and sexual orientation to fully participate in worship and fellowship.


Our members come from many different backgrounds. Some of us have worshiped in the Episcopal Church our entire lives, while many of us came from other faith communities or no faith background at all.​


Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome at Emmanuel Episcopal Church!

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We invite you to worship with us at one of our Sunday services

8:00 am and 10:30 am or join us online!


Morning Prayer is offered on Tuesday and Thursday

mornings at 8:15 am in our Chapel.


Connect with Emmanuel

Worship with us online via our YouTube Channel:

Emmanuel Episcopal Harrisonburg

Get the latest Emmanuel news by subscribing to our weekly parish newsletter: the eMessenger

Check out our Church Calendar, and follow us on

Facebook & Instagram!

It's not too late to make your pledge for the 2025 Stewardship Campaign!

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